Ten Piscataqua Writers 2024

Ten Piscataqua Writers 2024

Ten Piscataqua Writers 2024

An Anthology from the Watershed

6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 252 pages


• This is the 2nd anthology in our series of regional writing, available to order now (see buy button below) or purchase through one of our Retailers.


• Ten Piscataqua Writers 2022 was the first anthology of the series, for more info and ordering click here


• We are currently holding a Call for Entries for the 3rd anthology in the series, Ten Piscataqua Writers 2026, to be publisghed in the fall of 2025. For more info on the deadline and details, click here.

Click here for more info on  Ten Piscataqua Writers 2022

Click here for the Ten Piscataqua Writers, 2026 Call for Entries4




$25 Retail
Includes Free Shipping in the US

Support Local Writers!

Ten Piscataqua Writers 2024 is a way for the regional arts community to regularly discover, explore, and celebrate the outstanding writers we have among us. We intend to publish this anthology of regional writing on a biennual basis. It’s not an anthology of just short stories, just essays, or just poetry, our goal is to present an eclectic mix of ten established and emerging writers working in the region. These are writers we think you should know about.

• A regular arts platform for writers. Our Call for Entries and selection process proved what we knew already, that our region is blessed with incredible writing talent working in all kinds of literary forms. Most folks who belong to that community become aware of each other through local writers’ groups, readings, book signing events, and hoots. But what’s really missing is a way for everyone to discover these talents in a printed paperback that can be shared and/or gifted. Book publishing is in a state of upheaval, but that upheaval offers new opportunities and business models. Our model is to build on community at all levels, not just folks who want back a good read for $20, but for those who can recognize and support an excellent idea for the writing community. 

• Community building. Our books recognize a larger arts community than any individual city or town, celebrating the arts community of a larger region—the Piscataqua River watershed straddling the southern NH &ME border and all the tributaries that feed into it. We feel strongly that the more a community is aware of and supports its local genius, the more grounded and sustainable that community becomes. Members of the writing community have come together in this book in various ways: the writers who’ve offered us their visions; creative professionals who invested their time and talent to produce and market the book, readers who back us when collecting or gifting copies, and art patrons (businesses, organizations, and individuals) who support the effort with generous donations because they recognize the larger community benefits.

• Supporting local writers! Every dollar we can raise beyond our crowdfunding target (breakeven) to get the book on press starts putting money directly into the pockets of not only the ten contributing writers, but the creative professionals who have also invested their time and talents to produce and market the book. A traditional publisher would never undertake and anthology like this, the market is simply too small. The only way it can happen is through collaboration, where everyone gambles we’ll find enough support from a community of Backers and Patrons. 

• An ongoing series. The paperback anthology of regional writers builds on our success with our two Studio to Coffee Table Books showcasing local visual artists, Ten Piscataqua Photographers, and Ten Piscataqua Painters, and the first entry in our Paperback Writer series, Ten Piscataqua Writers 2022. Once the 2024 volume is Published in November, we’ll be announcing the “Call for Entries” for the 2026 anthology.

• An educational tool. This book opens a window into the worlds of ten different storytellers. It teaches what regional writers are up to. It teaches that good writing is not just about decoration, good writing has things to say. These writers have things to tell us. A book in your hand is such an intimate way to take the time to explore, see, and listen to what they’re saying.

• An historical document. The Piscataqua region has a rich history of writers, and Ten Piscataqua Writers 2024 presents a snapshot of what writers in the region are up to today.

The ten chapters of the book have all been written, selected, edited, designed, and paged. They have been proofed and are ready to go on press. What we need now is to raise the money with pre-orders from Backers—readers, booklovers, and gift-givers in the community, along with more donations from Patrons who play an important role in supporting efforts like ours that would never happen otherwise. Please consider pre-ordering your copy before the deadline with as large a donation as you feel is right for you.

To follow our progress by email as our crowdfunding campaign gets underway, as well as news about our future titles, readings, exhibits, and other events,  please Subscribe to Ten Piscataqua News!

The 2024 Writers

Many thanks to all the terrific Piscataqua writers who answered our Call for Entries last summer by sending our editors 15–30 manuscript pages to consider for a chapter in our anthology. We regret we could not include everyone. The ten writers below were chosen not only for outstanding work, but also to represent a wide diversity of style, subject matter, media, and geography. For example, our 3 chapters of fiction in this year’s anthology contain a full-length short story, an excerpt from a novel, and a collection of 3 short short stories. You’ll find no two chapters in the anthology are alike. We do not assert these are the best ten writers in the region, rather we think these are ten diverse and outstanding writers the community should know about. We will be holding readings and book signings all around the region in the year following publication so the community will have opportunities to meet and hear these prodigious talents (and get your copy signed as well!)


Richard Foerster
The Birder
Poetry, short poems
Reading video (5:08)


Laura Pope
Nonfiction, memoir excerpt 


Amy Sauber
Fiction, short story
Reading video (0:53)


Mark DeCarteret
Spirit Board
Poetry, short poems
Reading video (4:28)


Nico Sloss
Following Hannibal: A Beginning
Nonfiction, travel
Reading video (3:27) 


Andrew Mitchell
Three Short Stories
Fiction, short fiction
Reading video (4:51) 

Nancy Wheaton
You, Love, Center
Poetry, short poems
Reading video (1:01)


Pat Spalding
It Just Happened
Nonfiction, short essays
Reading video (5:06)


Tim Horvath
The Spinal Descent
Fiction, novel excerpt 
Reading video (5:15)


Mimi White
Fugitive Song
Poetry, short poems
Reading video (0:54)

The Crew

Phillip Augusta
Kittery Point, ME

Merrill Black
Portsmouth, NH
Nonfiction Editor

Cathy Wolff
Kittery, ME
Nonfiction Editor

S Stephanie
Rollinsford, NH
Poetry Editor


Ann Joslin Williams
Durham, NH
Fiction Editor

Lynn Davey
Newfields, NH
Website Administration

Peter Welch
Kittery Point
Cover Illustrator

Kimberly Capriola

Tim Halle
Kittery Point

Advance Reviews


This truly is an amazing anthology. I really appreciate how you give each of the writers adequate space. Most anthologies just give a small bite of the work. Thank you!
          —Bill Schultz, founder & editor of Hole In The Head Review

The river-centered Piscataqua region of coastal Maine and New Hampshire has inspired writers for generations. Immerse yourself in this wide-ranging anthology to connect with ten gifted wordsmiths.
          —John Breneman, writer & editor, Portsmouth and York 

It’s not often that a reader is given the opportunity to experience the sweep of a writer’s oeuvre, culled from her published work,in such a carefully curated gallery of poems, each one engaged in conversation with the others. Mimi White, our docent, invites us to see her world “looking out and in,” however thorny the themes. She asks us to “Assume nothing: illness, safety, spring, / and begin with wonder . . .” And at the heart, every poem in this collection is wonder-full.
          —Marie Harris, author of Desire Lines (Hobblebush Books)

What a treat to dive into this Whitman’s Sampler of reading selections: sweet poetry, dark mystery, the crunch of memoir—all in one place, tinged with the region’s particular beauty. You will delight in wondering what to choose next!
          —Jean Anne Feldeisen, author of Not All Are Weeping

Hope is an oak full of crows in a clearing of caws, a shag on a rock, a duck on a bay. These Foerster poems thrive on a chorus of birds, on a shimmer of words, on a flash of sheer insight from his canopy of song. Reader, as you wander this dusk for sustenance, savor these lines: the breadth of their wings.
          —John Perrault, author of Season of Shagginess, North Hampton

The Piscataqua region is brimming with terrific writers, and this anthology collects ten of the best. What a treasure of talent awaits the reader in these pages.
          —Grace Mattern, artist & writer, Northwood



Martha Fuller Clark
Susan Denenberg
Bob & Karen Graham


Alan Perry
Cheryl Krisko
Mary Jo Sloan
Carand Burnet
Cheryl Kimball
Jessica Purdy
Christopher Cappiello
Beth Boynton
Peter Welch
Cathy Wolff
Kathleen & Mark
Karen Augusta
Alison Harville
Noelle Chichester
Gene Markey
Tim Barretto
Bruce & Cathy Taylor
Jesse Pratt
David Dickinson
Angelica Smith
Kate Knox
Andrew Terris
Peter Botteas
Sally Fleming
Ann Williams
David Jarvis
Holly Pappas
Antje McKee-Courcy
Jennifer Gossling
Sophia John
Uriah Blatherwick
Ellen Crocker
Joan Granger
Wolfgang Ertl
Beth Fox
de Selby
R. David Drucker
Ann Marie Burley
Jeremy McDonald
Grandma & Grandpa Henderson
Shelley Girdner
Lorraine Hansen
Leonard Chasse
J. Dennis Robinson
Sarah Novak
Deke & Sandra DeCarteret
Tuan Nguyen
Karen Schuster
Daniel and Cathy Mitchell
Dan Tobin
Elizabeth Libby
Joe Arnstein
Linn Schulz
Carol Keyes
Pat Spalding
Denise Short
Genna Garver
Ron Bourgeault & Jim Horan
Ken Novack
Carrie Sherman
Clark Knowles
John Perrault
Merrill Aharonian
Hildred Crill
Cary Wendell
Patricia Corliss